Park House Sold En Bloc to Shun Tak Holdings for $375.5m

Park House En Bloc Development: Park House
Address: 21 Orchard Boulevard
District: 10
Tenure: Freehold
TOP: 1970
Site Area: 46,984 sqft
Plot Ratio: 2.8
Gross Floor Area (GFA): 129,035 sqft
Price per sq ft per plot ratio (PSFPPR): $2,910
Number of units: 56 apartment and 4 shops
Sale date: 13 June 2018
Sale price: $375.5m
Developer(s): Shun Tak Holdings
Owners’ payout: $6.1m to $8.1m
Other information:

  • $2,910 psfppr sets a new record for en bloc sales price, up from $2,526 psfppr for Hampton Court in 2013

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